
The #Snootchallenge May Just Be Beneficial to Your Pup

The #Snootchallenge May Just Be Beneficial to Your Pup

The #Snootchallenge May Just Be Beneficial to Your Pup

The snoot challenge is one of the many pet-related challenges taking the internet by storm. This particularly endearing challenge has brought us many adorable videos of dogs sticking their noses through the shapes their humans created with their hands. Some of these shapes include circles, triangles and hearts.

The #Snootchallenge May Just Be Beneficial to Your Pup


Apart from being fun, entertaining and downright cute, experts have reported that dogs who have been trained for the challenge stand to benefit from it as well. As part of the challenge, pups are trained to be used to having their faces handled.

This can be extremely helpful for your pup, especially during its visits to vets in Singapore. Once your dog is used to having its face handled, vet visits will not be as stressful as it once was and this new habit may help them stay calm during examinations. This is particularly beneficial for pups that dread visiting the vet or experience stress when being handled.

In addition to having their faces handled, the snoot challenge also has dogs placing their snoot into small spaces. This aspect of the challenge allows dogs to familiarise themselves with this sensation which is similar to wearing muzzles or post-surgery cones.

The #Snootchallenge May Just Be Beneficial to Your Pup

Source: PetMD

If your canine is comfortable enough with the second part of the snoot challenge, it will not be subjected to as much stress or adjustment should there be a need for it to wear a cone or muzzle. This also keeps your pup safe as it would not have the urge to struggle its way out of the cone or the muzzle, ensuring your safety as well.

The #Snootchallenge May Just Be Beneficial to Your Pup

Source: @nowda_watson

Though these benefits may seem insignificant, they aren’t. Dogs are usually muzzled to prevent them from biting others should they be injured. If your dog is in this state, its acceptance of a muzzle may make or break the situation. While dogs are placed in cones to prevent them from biting or licking their wounds. If your furkid is accustomed to a cone, it increases the chance of a speedy recovery and swift removal of the cone as well.

If you’re planning to train your pup for the snoot challenge, do remember to be gentle and not to clamp down on your pup’s snoot. At the same time, do not force your canine to take on this challenge if displays signs of discomfort.

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