The Best-Dressed Stars of Clubpets METAVERSE Virtual Pet Expo – Dog Category

The Best-Dressed Stars of Clubpets METAVERSE Virtual Pet Expo

Source: Furbuddies@JTStudio

This April, Clubpets hosted our first ever Metaverse Virtual Pet Expo Event, which garnered much attention. With such a large turnout, it would not have been complete without a best-dressed contest.

In this article, let us get to know our winning fur-iends a little better! (Bonus tips on being a pet influencer at the end of the article!)

Meet Latte and Croissant

Their Origins

Affectionately named after a good combination for breakfast, Latte and Croissant are both Japanese Spitz breed.

Who came first?

Latte met his current hooman paw-rents in 2014, when he was just 8 months old! Fate had to be at work, as hoodad stumbled across another hooman looking to give up their Japanese Spitz. The power of social media! So, how, and why was Croissant adopted too, you ask? According to our interview with the fur-kids’ paw-rents, Latte’s eventual departure from this world is inevitable. With this reality in mind, the Spitz duo’s parents had the intention to keep any offspring Latte provides!

The Best-Dressed Stars of Clubpets METAVERSE Virtual Pet Expo

Source: Furbuddies@JTStudio

Then, COVID-19 hit. With most businesses moving to a Work-From-Home (WFH) arrangement, the couple decided that there was no better time to raise another puppy. Just like that, Latte became a dad to the evergreen Croissant. Their paw-rents agree that despite having a different personality from his paw-dad, Croissant has his own adorable traits.

The Best-Dressed Stars of Clubpets METAVERSE Virtual Pet Expo

Source: Furbuddies@JTStudio

Being a Paw-rent

While there are vast differences between raising a child and raising pets, you’d be surprised at the similarities too! Read on to see what our duo has to say about being a paw-rent!

The Best-Dressed Stars of Clubpets METAVERSE Virtual Pet Expo

Source: Furbuddies@JTStudio 

Striking A Balance Between Work & Paw-renting

With the easing of COVID-19 restrictions, we asked our Spitz’s paw-rents on how they cope with the shift back to the office.

While Latte has no trouble at all being away from his hoomans, poor Croissant was plagued by separation anxiety. Considering Croissant was a COVID-19 baby, he has now adjusted well, spending most days with Latte when the duo is out and about.

Dressing The Spitz Up

While the Spitzs give zero ducks about the outfits being put on them, hoomom adores dressing them up in her favourite pastel colours!

The Best-Dressed Stars of Clubpets METAVERSE Virtual Pet Expo

Source: Furbuddies@JTStudio

Last Tip: Balancing Stylish and Comfort

For those of you who own a Japanese Spitz, you would know that they possess a thicker fur coat. Thus, living in this tropical island means resorting to breathable clothes and accessories like bows, bandanas and/or breathable harnesses. You could, however, consider a more elaborate outfit if you and your fur-kids are going somewhere air-conditioned.

Being A Pet Influencer

At Clubpets, we enjoy bringing value to readers far and wide. Inspired by this duo to become a pet influencer? We have gathered some tips and stories on Latte and Croissant’s paw-rents to help you get started!

When and why did you start your pet’s Instagram page?

Latte’s Instagram account first came in 2019. However, it was inactive due to everyone’s hectic days. While pandemic created new jobs, it also prompted hoomom to kickstart Latte and Croissant’s influencer journey!

What are your secrets to pet photography?

When asked on the best tips for pet photography, the two paw-rents agreed on bribery. Thankfully, Latte and Croissant are extremely motivated by food. That means that dangling their favourite treats behind the camera gets the job done! However, sometimes, hoomom and hoodad have to top if off with weird sounds to capture their attention.

What was your first sponsored post like?

The couple’s first sponsored post was in 2020 when SingAPaw reached out to them to try their turkey chews.

What’s the secret to gaining all the followers?

While they let their imaginations run free, the couple believes that one must be sociable on social media! Also, spot and follow the trends (it’s all about reels now).

Any advice to give to new pets’ influencers on growing their Instagram account.

Engage in conversations with people by leaving comments on their posts!

That’s the end of our feature of Latte and Croissant! Obsessed with the duo already? Head over to their Instagram to keep up with their antics!

The Best-Dressed Stars of Clubpets METAVERSE Virtual Pet Expo

Source: Furbuddies@JTStudio

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