Manners Matters (Part I of II)


As much as we like to believe that everyone loves our furry buddies, sadly not everyone shares similar belief. We may not know, but some may have prior bad experiences. However, at clubpets magazine besides catering to all pet lovers, we too want to bridge the gap between the pet owners and non-pet owners. Sometimes that includes your parents, guests and strangers whom you encounter while on walks.

In a two-part article, we will share with you some etiquette tips both as a pet owner and a non-pet owner. This week’s focus is on the pet etiquettes from the angle of a pet owner.

This is especially crucial when you have a new pup or as a new owner. Engage a professional pet trainer if you are new, so as to establish a healthy relationship from the start. For example, letting them fully understand and perform basic commands like sit, heel, down or quiet will be very useful. With discipline, you minimise chances of your little fur kid “going rogue” and incidents that might cause a rift in your relationship. This way both of you will be safer and happier.

Knowing your pet’s temperament

This point is closely linked to discipline as well. By understanding your pet’s temperament you know which situations to avoid and discipline them accordingly. E.g. if your pet tends to get excited when guests visit, it is best to discipline them to greet others in a gentler manner like sitting down. For our feline friends, they usually are the opposite. So prevent your guests from insisting on picking them up.

Knowing your surroundings

If guests are to visit your home, do make sure to establish boundaries. Like setting barriers just before they are about to visit. Some of you might not agree with this, but as mentioned earlier, we never know the extent of your guests’ fear for your pets. It is best to separate your pet from your guest. If you intend to bring your pet along for a visit, do check with them if they are comfortable with that too.

If you are taking them out to stores or restaurants, make sure to feed them before proceeding to these areas. You can also bring along a toy and some treats to prevent food begging in public. Also, placing your pet on public dining chairs. We understand that a pet is part of our family but a public area is to be shared with many. Thus, a gentle reminder to not let your pet sit on public dining chairs.

For more excitable and spacious areas like the beach, do give them the reign to roam. At the same time, keep them in your sight so as to maintain control.


Your dog may “heel” or “come” on command, however not every passer-by you meet will be as confident as you are of your dog’s obedience and reception to commands. As such, a basic form of courtesy towards others when in a public space (e.g. the park, along sidewalks) is to keep your dog leashed. This will allow you to keep your fur kid in check while allowing less dog-friendly neighbours to enjoy the neighbourhood amenities in comfort. Furthermore, by respecting the concerns of others, it will naturally lead to earning the same respect and understanding from them.

Scoop up

Yes, despite being preached over umpteenth time, some owners just don’t practice it. This causes great inconvenience to everyone, furthering the rift between non-pet owners and paw parents. So always, always have the right tools to clean up after your pet. A simple poop bag will do the trick. This also includes pee. If your pet is prone to marking their territories at lift lobbies and the likes, keep an odour-erasing spray for situations like this. Better yet, train them NOT to urinate in such public places.

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