Keeping Danger at Bay

One of the biggest challenges of living with a pet dog is providing a safe and healthy home for it. Unfortunately, our homes are filled with items that are often poisonous to dogs. Here are some of the most common hazards that we should keep away from them:
Aspirin will interfere with blood platelets, which help the clotting of blood. Ingesting aspirin will affect the function of the dog’s platelets, which may lead to excessive bleeding when cut. Look out for bruises on the dog’s gums and skin.
Chocolate contains nervous system stimulants such as caffeine and theobromine, which are toxic to your dog when consumed in high amounts. The amounts of caffeine and theobromine present in chocolate vary between the different types of chocolate. White chocolate contains the least, since it has the least concentration of cacao while cocoa powder and unsweetened baking chocolate contain the most. Look for toxicity symptoms such as restlessness, muscle twitching and excessive urinating.
Grapes and Raisins
Reports have shown that consuming large amounts of grapes or raisins can prove lethal to all dogs, though there is no known cause behind it. There is also no exact amount to prove its potency but only estimations: 19g/kg for grapes and 3g/kg for raisins. Symptoms such as vomiting will develop in a matter of hours after consumption. Also look out for loss in appetite and lethargy.
Bathroom Detergents
Detergents will cause dogs severe chemical burns when licked. Bathroom detergents are often caustic and corrosive, and can deal serious damage to your dog’s tongue and oesophagus. If you catch your dog ingesting chemicals, flush its mouth with plenty of water immediately. Symptoms to look out for include drooling, excessive swallowing and pawing at the mouth.
Pet-proofing your home by keeping hazards away from your pet’s reach is the key to preventing such accidents. However, should your pet be poisoned, waste no time bringing it to the veterinarian. If the cause for toxicity is a household product, it may be useful to bring it along to the clinic to help the vet understand the situation quicker.