
How I get my pearly whites photo-ready!

How I get my pearly whites photo-ready!

How I get my pearly whites photo-ready!

Hello furiends

It’s been a while since I’ve blogged since I’ve been on holiday with Mummy, hehe! Part of being a healthy, pretty doggo like me is maintaining my beautiful smile by taking good care of my dental health.

When I found out that some very smart hoomans created delicious dental care treats, I was pawsitively thrilled!

How I get my pearly whites photo-ready!

To give me my photo-ready pearly whites, these 100% Veggie Powerful Dental Dog Treats distributed by Noble Advance are 100% natural dog treats made from cronchy, fibre-rich vegetables, complex enzymes, and natural plant extracts such as fruit acids, rosemary, and chamomile! 

How do they work? Well, the special enzymes mix with the saliva in my mouth to create an oxygen-rich environment where teeny, tiny germs that thrive in oxygen-deprived places can’t live! That’s why I have such fresh breath hehe. 

These enzymes also help to keep my teeth bright and shiny by dissolving leftover food and removing the tartar from my tiny chompers too! Are you grin with envy yet? There are 4 different sizes available (XS, S, M, and L), and you can find out how to get your very own dental treats at Noble Advance today!

Till the next time, it’s your favourite paw-pal, Coco. Ciao!

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