Harnesses VS. Collars: Which Is Better?

When it comes to deciding on a harness or a collar for your pet, there are various factors you need to consider, with your canine’s comfort taking the lead. Some canines may favour collars while others may lean towards harnesses. Here are some benefits and drawbacks of harnesses and collars to keep in mind before making the choice.
Pros of Harnesses:
1. Pressure Prevention
Unlike collars, harnesses do not exert pressure on your pup’s neck. Instead, it distributes the pressure across your dog’s chest and back. Without this pressure, the chances of a neck injury for your pup is lessened. This is also especially beneficial to breeds that are prone to respiratory issues such as pugs.
2. Effective Training Tool
Harnesses are also excellent for training puppies that are starting to use a leash. Harnesses offer better control and discourages the habit of pulling and tugging on the leash from a young age.
3. Better Control
It’s essential have control of your pet when outdoors, especially when it comes to big and active dogs. Additionally, as compared to using a leash, controlling your dog with the use of a harness is not as straining on your arms and backs due to the distribution of pressure over your canine’s chest and body.
Cons of Harnesses: 1. Compromised Comfortability
Dogs may be uncomfortable in harnesses for various reasons. As some dogs are wary about being face-handled, slipping the harness on your pet may be challenging. There may also be cases of potential allergic reactions to the material or that the harness’ design is not fitting for your dog.
2. Ineffectiveness of Back-Clip Harnesses
Similar to collars, harnesses are available in a variety of designs and functionality. Aesthetics aside, two of the most common harnesses come with a front-clip and a back-clip. While both have their uses, back-clip harnesses do not allow as much control over your pup and may encourage excessive pulling, resulting in its possible disregard for your guidance.
Pros of Collars: 1. Identification Tags
In addition to holding the leash, collars are also used to hold a pup’s identification tag. This is essential, especially in cases where your pet goes missing. Apart from that, tags can also carry important information about your pup which may be beneficial during emergencies.
2. Relatively Comfortable
Canines may find collars to be slightly more comfortable as compared to harnesses. As collars are only placed around the neck, it may not cause as much discomfort once your dog is accustomed to its presence and, if desired, can be left on your dog at all times.
Cons of Collars: 1. Risks of Neck Injuries
Constant pulling on the leash by your dog can increase the chances of a neck injury. The pressure sustained from retracting the collar can hurt your pup’s neck.
2. Potential Trachea Damage
In addition to the risks of neck injuries, the constant pressure on your pet’s neck area may also damage its windpipe. This increases your dog’s chances of developing breathing difficulties and may worsen the condition for breeds that are naturally prone to respiratory issues.
3. Increased Eye Pressure
The action of pulling against its collar will result in an increase in pressure in your pet’s eye. This may lead to a development of glaucoma—an eye condition commonly found in dogs—or potentially worsen the progression for those with the condition.
Ultimately, the choice depends on your pet’s behaviour. Collars are suitable for dogs that are not easily distracted and pull on leashes. While harnesses work best for owners that are still having trouble controlling their canines. Front-clip harnesses are best for big dogs while back-clip harnesses work best for smaller pups.