Enrich Your Home For Your Cat: A Quick Guide On Catification

Cats are often thought to be low-maintenance pets, but any cat owner knows they still need plenty of attention, activity, and interactive play. As such, the occasional trip to pet-friendly places in Singapore won’t suffice to keep them happy and healthy. For those who are having difficulties finding a healthy work-life-pet balance, this lack of attention gets further exacerbated. Without proper stimulation, cats can develop stress or boredom, leading to behavioural issues.

The solution? Catification – the art of designing a home that’s enriching for your cat while still keeping it functional and stylish for you and your loved ones. By tailoring your space to meet your cat’s needs, you can create a harmonious environment where they feel confident and secure. This often involves enhancing vertical spaces, which cats naturally gravitate towards for comfort and confidence.

Understanding your cat’s perspective of the world

Enrich Your Home For Your Cat A Quick Guide On Catification

When a cat enters a room, it performs a three-dimensional analysis of the space, surveying everything from floor to ceiling. Cats instinctively identify potential spaces for resting, hiding spots for camouflage, and areas to play or retreat when they need a break from socialising.

Moreover, everyone knows that cats love to perch, but this isn’t just a preference – it’s a natural behaviour. Cats begin evaluating possible perches the moment they step into a space, seeking spots where they can feel safe and confident.

To start catifying your home, observe where your cat feels most comfortable along the vertical axis. Each cat is unique, so tailoring your space to their specific preferences is key to creating a harmonious environment.

Different cats feel safest in different places

Enrich Your Home For Your Cat A Quick Guide On Catification

Just as cats have unique reactions to visits to the groomer, they also have distinct preferences for their safe spaces. Cats fall into three broad categories based on where they feel most comfortable:

  • Tree dwellers: These cats love high perches, enjoying a bird’s-eye view of their surroundings. You’ll often find them atop shelves, dressers, or even your fridge, keeping watch over their domain.
  • Bush dwellers: Bush Dwellers prefer to stay low, often hiding under coffee tables or behind plants. They enjoy lying in wait, ready to pounce, and feel most secure with all four paws on the ground.
  • Beach dwellers: These confident cats also stick to the ground but prefer open spaces where they can sprawl out and demand attention, whether stretched across the living room floor or lounging in plain sight.

To create a truly catified home, identify your cat’s preferences and arrange furniture, perches, and beds in ways that make them feel safe and confident.

Steps to catify your home

Enrich Your Home For Your Cat A Quick Guide On Catification

1. Prioritise safety

Make your home cat-safe by removing hazards such as hanging cords, small items that could be swallowed, and dangerous substances. Regularly clean the litter box, and check your plants – ensure they are not toxic to cats and take care to remove or place them out of reach if they are.

2. Provide enrichment

Keep your cat engaged and out of trouble by offering plenty of stimulation. Incorporate interactive toys like puzzle feeders and stationary feather wands to satisfy their curiosity and hunting instincts. Scratching is another natural cat behaviour, so provide scratching posts – vertical, horizontal, or both – near their favourite lounging areas or furniture. Opt for materials like cardboard or sisal that appeal to your cat’s preferences. For extra playtime, choose toys that mimic prey, such as mouse-shaped items, and consider remote-activated toys to keep your cat entertained when you’re away.

3. Incorporate vertical spaces and cosy retreats

Cats are natural climbers, especially tree dwellers, who love exploring from above. Install cat shelves, scratching posts, or a cat tree to satisfy their climbing instincts and provide a safe vantage point to observe their surroundings.

Additionally, create a cosy retreat for your cat by setting up a soft bed or blanket in a sunlit spot, ideally by a window. Enclosed spaces like old cardboard boxes, cat condos, or even repurposed items like suitcases or baskets make perfect hideouts where your cat can feel safe. If space allows, consider dedicating a room or corner as a play area. Fill it with toys, climbing structures, and scratching posts to help your cat burn off energy and socialise.

4. Set up a “cat TV”

For many cats, the great outdoors is one of their main sources of entertainment. Thus, make sure to place a perch, cat tree, or bed near a window to create a “cat TV” experience. All those hours of staring outside stimulate your cat’s hunting instincts and keep them engaged.

If there aren’t that many windows with a good view in your house, adding an aquarium (with a secure, cat-proof lid) is a good alternative.

5. Opt for multi-functional furniture

A catified home doesn’t have to sacrifice style. Opt for multi-functional furniture like cat trees with built-in storage boxes or scratching posts that double as cat beds. Stylish litter boxes that blend with your decor can also keep your space neat and cohesive.

Start catifying your home today

Catifying your home is about creating a space where your feline friend can feel safe, confident, and entertained. By understanding your cat’s unique preferences and tailoring your home to meet their needs, you can ensure a happier, healthier, and more harmonious life for both of you. Remember, a well-catified home benefits everyone – it’s a purrfect balance of functionality, style, and feline joy!

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