
Does Your Dog Understand You More Than You Think?

Does Your Dog Understand You More Than You Think?

Does Your Dog Understand You More Than You Think?

Friendly, intelligent and with a lot of love to offer, dogs are often known as man’s best friend. Just like how we come to know our dogs’ quirks and preferences, dogs can understand us just the same. Read on to find out the surprising things your dog actually knows about you!

They Known When You’re Ill

Does Your Dog Understand You More Than You Think?

Dogs will know if you are suffering from severe ailments including cancer, even if it’s only in the early stages. This is because cancer cells produce a scent that can be picked up by dogs. If your dog continuously sniffs a specific area of your body, you may wish to consider that health assessment that you’ve been putting off!

They Know How You’re Feeling

Does Your Dog Understand You More Than You Think?

Dogs know when you are angry and often put on the sad puppy face if they know they are going to be disciplined. Similarly, they will also know when you are happy and wants to reward them. Just plan for a Singapore cheap pet grooming session and you will see just how delighted they are in anticipation of it.

They Know Who Your Enemy Is

Does Your Dog Understand You More Than You Think?

It seems like there really isn’t anything you can hide from your furkid. As much as we try to conceal it, our body language can give us away whenever we find someone to be unbearable. Your pet too can detect the changes in breathing, the stiff body language, and even the subtle chemical changes that occur due to distaste.

They Know When You’re Expecting

Dogs can detect pregnancy and are able to tell from hormonal changes. If your pet is used to a specific routine, it will also be quick to notice a change in your lifestyle habits that occur when you are carrying a baby. Pamper your pet with some treats from an online pet shop to show that a baby is not going to make you love them any less!

They Know When You’re Leaving Town

Does Your Dog Understand You More Than You Think?

Dogs notice when you are leaving, or when you intend to stay for a long time. For obvious reasons, they don’t like it when their owners leave. Packing, or even just the slight changes in your mood can raise the alarm bells in their heads. Get ready for some extra clingy-ness at the pet boarding in Singapore before you embark your two weeks vacation!

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