Great Reads

Puppy Health 101

After much careful thought and consideration, you’ve finally brought your new puppy home. Before you get caught up in the novelty of having your adorable

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Know the Name, Puppy

Know The Name, Puppy!

Before you embark on the long, arduous journey of teaching your beloved puppy to “sit”, “lie down” or “shake paws”, you’ll have to make sure

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Crate Training for Puppies

If you’ve noticed, dogs have a strong instinct to ‘den’ – meaning that they like to rest and sleep in small, confined spaces. A den

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Ten Keys to Effective Training

Ten Keys to Effective Training

Being consistent isn’t always easy. By following these guidelines, you have every opportunity of bringing up your dog to be the perfect family companion: Leaders

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Canine Kleptomania

All dogs do it at some stage – whether it’s ‘counter surfing’ in the kitchen, rummaging through garbage, thieving items from around the house or

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Speaking Canine

Speaking Canine

While dogs have been known to be able to understand the meaning of certain words such as ‘sit’ or ‘stay’, they tend to discern non-verbal

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A Look at Inter dog Aggression

A Look at Inter-Dog Aggression

Inter-dog aggression has been one of the biggest problems dog owners face. Because of their dogs’ aggressive behaviour, owners face difficulty whenever bringing them out

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