Bike Buddies: A Guide To Cycling With Pets

Bike Buddies: A Guide To Cycling With Pets

Bike Buddies: A Guide To Cycling With Pets

While it may be a chance to get some exercise and go exploring with your best fur-iend, cycling may not be the safest sport or mode of transport especially for pets. On top of safety, it’s essential to ensure that your pet is comfortable throughout the ride. So before making your pet your bike buddy, here’re a few tips for a safe and fun adventure!

Basket Babies

Bike Buddies: A Guide To Cycling With Pets

Source: Pinterest

Smaller creatures tend to go in the basket of your bicycle so you may want to consider placing a blanket or a small mat at the base so that it acts as a lining. This way, your pet will be more comfortable rather than having to deal with the uneven flooring of a basket, and may be more inclined to sit or lie down.

Bike Buddies: A Guide To Cycling With Pets

Source: Icebike

You should also ensure that your pet feels secure in the basket and observe if it displays restless behaviour. These signs indicate that your pet probably isn’t comfortable with going out on a bicycle basket and you might want to shelf this activity. Moreover, if you try to cycle with a fidgety pet in the basket, the additional movement may throw your balance off and may put both of you at risk. In that vein, you should always cycle carefully when you have a pet in the basket for if you fall, your pet is likely to be flung out and injured, so do exercise caution! Given Singapore’s warm weather, you might also want to consider if your pet needs shade for the duration of the ride!

Paws-On Pet

Bike Buddies: A Guide To Cycling With Pets

Source: Reddit

Bigger dogs, are happy to run alongside you while you pedal and it’s perfect for giving your pet the workout it needs without needing to do a full out sprint for two whole kilometers. However, having your pet run or even just trot beside you as you cycle is slightly more dangerous than having it in the basket. Ensure that it is capable of running at a good distance away from your bicycle but away from other bicycles and pedestrians so that it doesn’t risk getting hit by anything or anyone. That said, it’s not recommended to tie your dog’s leash to your bicycle or even to yourself and instead, advised to hold it in your hand. This is in the event that you fall or swerve suddenly as being able to swiftly release your dog will save it from being pulled into the bicycle or into the wheels.

Alternate Accommodations

Bike Buddies: A Guide To Cycling With Pets

Source: Pinterest

You might also want to consider other ways you can take your pet cycling with you such as investing in a special carriage that attaches to your bicycle. Another option is having your pet in a backpack that you carry while cycling, but in which case, do make sure the bag is comfortable for your pet to sit in for the duration of your ride. You should also take the angle that your bag will be in when you’re in pedalling position and if your pet will be safe and comfortable that way. Going on new and exciting adventures with your pet is a great way to bond and it’s always nice to be able to take your pet outdoors with you. As long as you keep your pet’s health and safety as your utmost priority, it’s bound to be a wonderful excursion. Just remember to keep your pet hydrated and be observant in case your pet expresses discomfort or anxiety.

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