Adopt or Shop? Differences Between Pet Purchasing and Adopting

A rescue dog at an adoption drive organised by SOSD Singapore. Source: SOSD Singapore
While welcoming an addition to the family can be fulfilling, the decision to becoming a pet-owner or a pawrent should not be a spontaneous one – especially with the various responsibilities that come with being a pawrent.
Who says puppers who are up for adoption aren’t adorable? Picturing Easter the heart stealer. (For those who are wondering, Easter was adopted from SOSD in 2015). Source: @thisismyeastergram
Before actually becoming a pet owner, the first big decision of your journey must be made: should you purchase a pet or adopt one? While one may not definitely be better than the other, we present you the four main differences between the two for you to better make decision.
Naturally, purchasing your pet from the pet shops in Singapore is a costlier option. Depending on your desired pet’s breed, your furry friend can come at a hefty price tag.
Source: @sosdsingapore
On the other hand, shelters such as SOSD, Animal Lovers League and Causes for Animals offer homing opportunites for rescue dogs that are much more affordable. In fact, most adopters are required to cover only the basic adoption fee. However, you may also be required to cover the vet’s fee that your fur-kid may have incured when it first arrived at the shelter. Regardless, the cost of adopting a pet will be significantly lower than that of a purchase.
With hearts of gold, golden retreivers such as the handsome Sir Toby are one of the most popular breeds in Singapore Source: @sirtobyy
If you aren’t exactly sure what type of pet or breed that you’re looking for, visit your local pet shop or shelters to acquaint yourself with the different breeds. If you’re looking for a pure breed or a specific breed, pet stores will be the places to visit. While pet stores may offer popular breeds such as golden retreivers and poodles, the Singapore Specials at shelters are also plenty adorable.
Apart from its breed, ensure that your potential furkid complements your lifestyle. For instance, while puppers may be adorable, younger dogs usuallly require more time and committment, and are readily available at pet stores.
Puppies are also available for adoption at various animal shelters Source: @causesforanimals_sg
Older dogs on the other hand, are relatively less needy and lower maintenance, and can be found at pet shelters. However, do note that shelters do also house puppies that are available for adoption.
Health and Wellness
Yoshi the Corgi enjoying a day out at a local dog run Source: @yoshiyayy
While many may assume purchased pets to have an advantage when it comes to well-being, that may not always be the case. While most pet stores may provide their pets with the necessary care, these pets may not always be in the pink of health. Despite the health misconception of shelter pets, rescues tend to boast a health score that is on par with or possibly better than those at pet shops. Regardless of where your pet is from, it is advised to take them to vets in Singapore as soon as possible.
As you weigh the pros and cons of adopting a pet or buying one from pet shops in Singapore, it’s most important to note that a pet is for life!