A Fuss-Free Guide to Assessing Your Pets’ Health

While making regular trips to the vet is important, there are ways of conducting a simple health assessment for your pet. Find out how you can master some of the techniques and to identify important indicator of your pet’s health.
You’re Hot and You’re Cold
To check the body temperature of your dog or cat, simply insert a lubricated rectal thermometer one or two inches deep into your pet’s rectum. However, some pet owners might find it uncomfortable to use this method, understandable given that most of us aren’t experts in the veterinary field and fear of hurting our pets by accident.
An alternative is the ear thermometer, which may be less accurate. The normal pet body temperature ranges between 37 to 39 degrees Celsius. However, do bear in mind that temperatures may fluctuate due to activity and the environment.
Coat Check
Natural oils such as olive and flaxseed oil can be used to protect and lubricate their skin as well. There is no need to bathe your pet daily if they have healthy skin and fur, not to mention that frequent bathing can lead to dry skin. Should your pet be scratching or licking a particular spot, note that this could be a sign of skin irritation and it’s advisable to make a trip to your local vet.
Gum Test
To conduct a simple check, simply use your finger to lift the animal’s lip and check for abnormities on its tongue and gums on the upper jaw. A healthy pet should have pink to red gums and when gently pushed, the gums should turn white briefly before going back to the original colour. However, if the gums take too long to resume its colour, it may be a sign of anaemia. Yellow gums, on the other hand, indicate liver disease. If you can’t or are unsure of how to go about conducting a gum check, don’t be afraid to consult your vet or a professional groomer.
Bladder and Bowel Matters
Healthy pets should have healthy bowel movements and the excretion should have a ‘regular’ appearance. Pale yellow to clear urine indicates a healthy pet while bright or dark yellow urine is a sign of dehydration. Orange on the other hand, is usually a sign of pancreatic problems, an unhealthy liver or gall bladder. On the other hand, if you notice mucus or white discolouration or if your pet has diarrhoea, it could be due to sickness or the presence of parasites in their gut. The best course of action then is to reach out to one of the reliable vets in Singapore and have your pet checked out.
Observe Its Behavior
A healthy pet is usually alert and energetic. If your pet is abruptly withdrawing and isolating itself and is disengaged and lethargic, it may be a sign for help. While behaviour change could be due to a change in the physical environment, it’s often due to sickness.
Assessing your pet’s health from time to time is crucial and with these tips, detect early signs of potential health conditions and prevent them from degenerating.