4 Proven Benefits of Being A Cat Owner

4 Proven Benefits of Being A Cat Owner

4 Proven Benefits of Being A Cat Owner

While cats may have a reputation of being distant or unfriendly, cat owners will know this is not always the case. Felines can be very affectionate, especially when it’s feeding time. They are able to purr in hello, and recognise their owners’ distinctive voices. From providing companionship to helping with allergies, here are four proven benefits of being a cat owner!


4 Proven Benefits of Being A Cat Owner
Source: Patrice Alsteen

Arguably the most important benefit of owning a cat, cats make equally good companions as dogs. Studies reveal that having a cat in the house may be as gratifying as a romantic partner, particularly for women. With a cat at home, you’ll never feel lonely again. These creatures are the silent warriors in your home office, slinking past a wall, chilling by your feet or purring for the occasional treat from online pet stores in Singapore.

Improving Your Mental Health

4 Proven Benefits of Being A Cat Owner

Despite their aloof demeanour as seen in pet magazines, cats can actually sense when you’re upset or happy. Your pet can provide e-meow-tional support by improving serotonin and oxytocin production, decreasing stress and anxiety levels. This in turn lowers the chances of you succumbing to the various heart ailments such as stroke. Think about when you last gave your kitty a cuddle – didn’t it feel like your mood improved immediately? It’s all #goodvibesonly.

4 Proven Benefits of Being A Cat Owner

4 Proven Benefits of Being A Cat Owner

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