Pet Stroke Symptoms: Everything a Pet Owner Needs to Know

Pet Stroke Symptoms: Everything a Pet Owner Needs to Know Pet Stroke Symptoms: Everything a Pet Owner Needs to Know

 Pet Stroke Symptoms: Everything a Pet Owner Needs to Know Pet Stroke Symptoms: Everything a Pet Owner Needs to Know

It may come as a surprise but just like us, pets are susceptible to strokes. While strokes are usually a result of blood clots in the brain, a stroke may also be caused by bleeding in the brain or an injured spinal cord. A stroke could also point to a more serious illness that your pet may be suffering from. A full recovery from a stroke is not impossible – as long as timely visits to the vet are made and proper medical treatments are given.

Knowing the Signs

 Pet Stroke Symptoms: Everything a Pet Owner Needs to Know Pet Stroke Symptoms: Everything a Pet Owner Needs to Know

Has Kitty been sleeping more than usual?

Seizures may be a sign of a severe stroke, while serious causes may lead to a coma or even fatal consequences. However, strokes can occur with subtle signs – so much that pet owners, if not careful enough, may miss out on them Common symptoms of strokes include disorientation and a loss of balance. As such, you may observe head-tilts or your pet walking in circles. Some pets may also experience a loss of appetite (add title tag to hyperlink -“4 Common Signs Of Illness In Dogs”), vomiting and losing control over bowel movements. Less noticeable signs include general weakness, extreme lethargy and abnormal eye movement patterns. While these symptoms may not pertain to strokes alone, they are red flags to take note of. Causes

More often than not, strokes are manifestations of an existing disease such as hypertension, Cushing’s disease, chronic kidney disease, thyroid disease and more. A stroke may also signal a head injury, brain tumour or heart disease.

Preventive Measures

 Pet Stroke Symptoms: Everything a Pet Owner Needs to Know Pet Stroke Symptoms: Everything a Pet Owner Needs to Know

Regular trips to the vet are essential

If you think your pet has had a stroke, check their inner eyelids and/or gums to see if they are dark red – a sign of decreased oxygen levels. It’s highly recommended to visit the vet immediately, to reduce the risks of the illness while increasing the chances of a full recovery. The vet will be able to provide your pet with oxygen while conducting tests to find out the causes of the symptoms. They will then will produce a diagnosis and outline a guide to recovery. Pet owners will need to provide love, support and care to help their pet return to normalcy. Knowing these signs can make all the difference. Hence, it’s vital to be attentive to your pet’s needs. With tender loving care, pets who suffer from strokes are also likely to make a full recovery.

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