Pet to the Vet: When and Why

Pet to the Vet When and Why

Pet to the Vet When and Why

Being a pawrent comes with a huge responsibility. While it is no easy feat, from recognising a change in eating habits to sudden mood swings, there are a few guidelines to help you tell when it’s time to take your pet to the vet. Check out our list below to ensure your pet’s welfare.


Vaccinations are paramount to prevent your pet from contracting diseases such as parvovirus, which causes bloody diarrhoea, vomiting, and can sometimes even be fatal. Puppies and kittens should get at least 3 vaccinations within a span of 10 to 12 weeks, after which annual vaccinations should serve as a follow-up. Be sure to follow the vaccination schedule your local vet in Singapore gives.

For sterilisation

Pet to the Vet When and Why

Source: @litterly_g.o.n

To prevent unwanted litters, it is recommended to neuter your pet when it is 4 to 6 months old. While there are other benefits to neutering including the prevention of reproductive cancers such as ovarian cancer in females and testicular cancer in males, sterilisation is not something you’d want your pet to receive if you’re looking to expand your furmily.

After a stay in pet boarding facilities

Even though pet boarding facilities have experienced staff, you may want to take your pet to the vet after a stay – this is especially so if your pet has been at the facility for an extended period of time. This is because your pet runs the risk of catching a disease in social settings where viruses are more easily spread. However, a trip to the vet is just to be on the safe side, but can also be a regular health assessment for your furkid.

For Rescue Pets

Pet to the Vet When and Why

Source: @sosdsingapore

After adoption, take your pet to the vet as soon as possible. Vets will keep a lookout for flea and tick infestations, common intestinal parasites and illnesses as a result of poor living conditions, amongst others.

Additionally, do inform your vet of the situation so he/she can keep an eye out for common diseases in the animal shelter or in strays.

For Adult and Senior Pets

Pets between the ages of 1 to 7 years-old should go for yearly visits to the vet. Meanwhile, pets over 7 years-old are recommended to get a medical examination twice a year. Aside from a regular health check-up, your vet can spot early signs of kidney or liver diseases in your pet by testing urine and faecal samples.

Additionally, senior pets with weakened immune systems may need additional vaccinations for prevention against common pet illnesses.

Know the Warning Signs

You can help to ensure your pet’s well-being by knowing the telltale signs of a much-needed visit to the vet. Take note of drastic changes in your pet, which are usually symptoms of mental or physical health issues and shouldn’t be taken lightly as such.

Such signs include appetite changes, weight changes, sudden aggression and extreme fatigue. And while you should follow the vet’s schedule for routine check-ups, it is important to keep the above considerations in mind to know when a visit to the vet is needed.

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