9 Adorable Pet Instagram Accounts to Follow for Wholesome, Inspiring Content!

Cover photo source: Tran Mau Tri Tam on Unsplash
Let’s face it. We look forward to seeing new pictures of our favourite internet furry friends more than updates from our actual friends when we’re scrolling through social media. After all, they melt our hearts and make us go, “aww”, crack us up on a bad day, and provide much-needed relief from everyday stress.
If you have an insatiable thirst for cuteness and laughter, just like us, here are some adorable and inspiring pet Instagram accounts that we’ve uncovered!
Irresistibly adorable
Whether you are #teamcat or #teamdog, we all fall in love with these furry friends for the same reason — their adorable appearance. The stars of these accounts will definitely melt your heart while lifting up your spirits with their endearing looks!
1. @pisco_cat
How can you ever resist those eyes and cheeks?!
Source: @pisco_cat
Pisco is a Golden British Shorthair that is well-loved for his huge, round eyes and chubby cheeks. Besides gifting us with amazing displays of Pisco’s squishy roundness, Pisco’s owner also often dresses him up in costumes, as if he isn’t already cute enough.
Source: @pisco_cat
2. @babybearyuki
Source: @babybearyuki
Yuki the Samoyed is a fluffy “cloud girl” that you can stare at for hours. Together with her supermodel posing skills and her owner’s superb photography skills, every post of Yuki never fails to melts the hearts of her followers.
Source: @babybearyuki
3. @kingkong_vely
Source: @kingkong_vely
Not to be confused with pugs, Kingkong and Vely are Pekingneses with absolutely irresistible cuteness! As if their looks alone are not enough to grab ahold of our hearts, their owner also often dresses them up in adorable outfits with little hair clips.
Source: @kingkong_vely
Quirky & amusing
For those who are feeling under the weather, these quirky pet accounts are sure to cheer you up!
4. @thurstonwaffles
Source: @thursonwaffles
If you loved the viral smudge cat that everyone knows of from the “woman yelling at the cat” meme, you are likely to find amusement in Thurston Waffles, who is another “memeable” cat. His amusing features, together with the hilarious commentaries made by his owner, are sure to guarantee you a good laugh.
Source: @thurstonwaffles
5. @mapleandmortycorgi
Source: @mapleandmortycorgi
Ever wondered what your pet might be saying to you? For both Maple and Morty, their owners know exactly what they’re saying and they’ve very kindly translated it for us, brutal honesty, sibling rivalry, grumblings, and all!
6. @curiouszelda
Source: @curiouszelda
Zelda the cat is more than just curious — she’s a poet with a published book of her own! Follow her account to see her perpetually shocked expression and hilarious poems about her life as a cat.
7. @griffinfrenchie
Source: @griffinfrenchie
Besides being known for their ASMR videos, Frenchies Griffin and Haru constantly have side-splitting and endearing content of them singing, creating music, going through mazes, and even… inflating balloons with farts.
Source: @griffinfrenchie
Heartwarming moments
If you ever feel down and unmotivated, check out these heartwarming accounts of pets who are wonderfully brave and strong fighters that never back down from a challenge!
8. @maisie_theaussiemix
Source: @maisie_theaussiemix
For fans of huskies and shepherds, check out Maisie who is a Double-Merle Aussie Shepherd mix. As Double-Merle dogs are more prone to deafness and blindness, Maisie is one that experiences both. In spite of the disabilities she faces, you will never fail to see a smile on her face.
9. @purrasicduck
Source: @purrasicduck
Duck (yes, that is her real name) is a rescue cat who had both her front legs amputated from a really young age. Despite her physical disabilities, she’s an adorable force to be reckoned with. Follow her to watch her jump around with amazing agility and boundless energy together with her other furry companions!
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