4 Ways to Make Your Cat More Affectionate Towards You

4 Ways to Make Your Cat More Affectionate Towards You

Source: Cong H on Pexels

When it comes to having a pet cat, most cat owners can attest to the difficulty of earning your kitty’s affections. This is especially true when you bring them home for the first time, during which they’ll most likely constantly hide and run away from you, the “scary stranger”.

However, some cats are simply not the affectionate type — they don’t have the habit of reciprocating your love even though you’ve been together for a while now, so if you’re a cat owner who’s feeling a little neglected or a new cat owner trying to earn the trust of your furry friend, here are 4 tips for you:

1. Satisfy their basic needs

4 Ways to Make Your Cat More Affectionate Towards You

Source: freestocks.org on Pexels

While it may seem like nothing, satisfying their basic needs helps to build a sense of trust towards you. Simple things like filling up their water bowl and cleaning their litter box regularly is an indicator of your positive intentions, which increases the likelihood of your cats being less wary of you. Furthermore, fulfilling their needs puts them in a relaxed state of mind, which results in them letting their guard down, hence increasing the chances of them warming up to you.

2. Make use of the allure of treats

4 Ways to Make Your Cat More Affectionate Towards You

Source: Laura Chouette on Unsplash

Offering treats such as catnip are a great way to lure your cat away from their hiding spots as it makes them less cautious of your actions. In addition, catnip is the perfect treat for cats who are extremely shy as it helps to reduce their anxiety while also increasing their activeness, which is useful for getting your cat to be more affectionate.

Moreover, treats are also a good way to reward your pet every time they approach you and display their affection. Associating this action with a positive experience will enable your cats to be more proactive in exhibiting their fondness and love.

3. Engage them with toys

4 Ways to Make Your Cat More Affectionate Towards You

Source: Sarah Brown on Unsplash

A common problem that most cat owners face with a less affectionate cat would be the catching of their attention. Chances are, no matter how much you wave at them or call out their name, they won’t do more apart from giving you a sideways glance.

As such, cat toys can be a useful tool to grab their attention while also providing entertainment for them, because they’re tailor-made for a cat’s hunting instincts. Moreover, playing with your cat through toys is a good bonding activity, and if you do so regularly, your cat will gradually get increasingly comfortable with your presence as time passes.

4. Always touch and communicate the right way

4 Ways to Make Your Cat More Affectionate Towards You

Source: Buenosia Carol on Pexels

Despite their seemingly cold exterior, cats are also affectionate animals that crave scratches and pets at times. Instead of waiting for them to come towards you, initiating physical contact through patting their cheeks or lightly scratching under the chin is a good starting point to make your pet feel more accustomed to your presence and touch.

4 Ways to Make Your Cat More Affectionate Towards You

Here’s a general guide on where you should and should not pet a cat!

Source: Buzzfeed

On the other hand, if your cat reacts to your touch by hissing or scratching your finger, this is a clear indicator that your pet is uncomfortable with the areas that you are petting. You may also want to avoid petting your cats when they are busy, especially if they are eating or sleeping. In such situations where your cat is rejecting your touch, it is best to respect their personal space.

Besides touching, communicating with your cat is also a way of displaying affection. It also helps in making them more comfortable with your voice, while also increasing the chances of them approaching you. Start out by calling out their name while rattling a bag of treats and reward them if they do approach you.

4 Ways to Make Your Cat More Affectionate Towards You

Source: Francesco Ungaro

While cats may appear to be more reserved and shy, making them less approachable than dogs, that does not mean that they do not crave affection at all. When trying to get them to be more affectionate, it is important to focus on making them more comfortable and accustomed to your presence by adopting these methods. So long as you remain patient and encouraging, your cat will definitely be more willing to show you just how much they love and need you too!

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